Whitney Baker

- Lecturer, Museum Studies
- Head of Conservation Services, KU Libraries
Contact Info
1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Whitney Baker received her MLS with an advanced certificate in library and archives conservation from the University of Texas at Austin. She completed her undergraduate work at KU (B.A. in chemistry and Spanish), and has held the post of conservator for KU Libraries since 2002. Whitney previously worked in conservation at the Library of Congress and the University of Kentucky.
Baker teaches MUSE 706 Conservation Principles and Practices for the Museum Studies Program.
Education —
Highest Distinction
Selected Publications —
Baker, W. (2019). A Comparison of Standard Practice Treatments in Reseach Library Book Conservation, 2007 to 2017. Journal Articles. Library Resources and Technical Services 63 (2): 82-103.
Baker, W. (2019). An Analysis of Training and Institutional Context on Book Conservation Practices in Research Libraries from 2007 to 2017. Journal Articles. Book and Paper Group Annual 38.
Anderson, P. & Baker, W. (2016). A Janus perspective: Origins and future of 21st-century preservation and conservation in library and archives special collections. In L. M. Thomas & B. M. Whittaker (Eds.), Special Collections in Libraries: New Directions (pp. 137-148). Libraries Unlimited.
Baker, W. (2015). Responding to high-volume disasters in the research library context. In E. Decker & J. Townes (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Disaster Management and Contingency Planning in Modern Libraries (pp. 282-310). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Baker, W. (2015). Sticking point: History, manufacturing techniques, and preservation of decals. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals , 11(4), 275-289.
Baker, W. McCauley, K. & Tsang, J. (2015). Sustaining the unsustainable: Mitigation and monitoring for modern materials. AIC News, 40(5), 1, 3-6.
Anderson, P. Baker, W. Doyle, B. & Verheyen, P. (2014). Open access: A model for sharing published conservation research (.pdf). AIC News, 39(3), 1, 3-6.
Baker, W. (2012). Special collections, general collections, and hybrid conservation labs. In J. Hain Teper & E. Alstrom (Eds.), The planning and construction of book and paper conservation laboratories: A guidebook (pp. 32-48). Chicago: American Library Association.
Baker, W. (2012). The populist conservator: A sticky case study. Book and Paper Group Annual 31, 25-28.
Baker, W. (2011). Soapbox for the automobile: Bumper sticker history, identification, and preservation. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, 7(3), 251-270.
Dube, L. & Baker, W. (2011). The impact of training and institutional context on book conservation practices. Book and Paper Group Annual 29, 143-160.
Baker, W. & Dube, L. (2010). Identifying standard practices in research library book conservation. Library Resources and Technical Services , 54 (1), 21-39.
Baker, W. (Ed.). (2010). Speaking of Paper: The Anita Lynn Forgach Keynote Speakers, 1998-2005. Lake Oswego, OR: Friends of Dard Hunter, Inc.
Baker, W. (2007). Conservator, academic library. In P. Shontz & R. A. Murray (Eds.), A day in the life: Career options in library and information science (pp. 89-93). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Selected Presentations —
Baker, W. (10/23/2018). Preserving artifacts of free speech; Caring for political memorabilia. Connecting to Collections Care. Online webinar.
Baker, W. (06/02/2018) Preserving artifacts of free speech; Simple solutions for buttons, t-shirts, and bumper stickers. Archives Discussion Group, American Institute for Conservation Annual Meeting. Houston, TX
Baker, W. Liebl, B. & Schulte, R. . (10/25/2016). More objects than expertise: A collaborative housing and access project. Mountain Plains Museum Association Annual Meeting. Oklahoma City, OK.
Baker, W. . (05/17/2016). Disaster response: The human element. Archives Conservation Discussion Group, American Institute for Conservation / Canadian Association for Conservation joint annual meeting. Montréal, QC, Canada
Baker, W. Tedone, M. & Verheyen, P. . (04/22/2015 - 04/23/2015). Sustainable preservation programs. American Library Association/Association for Library Collections and Technical Services e-forum.
Baker, W. Seo, H. & Tedone, M. . (04/24/2014). Soot, mold, and mud: Beyond the basics of salvaging archives collections. Midwest Archives Conference. Kansas City, MO
Baker, W. Craig, S. & Woodrick, R. . (10/02/2013). Soaked: Responding to a large-scale water disaster. Mountain Plains Museum Association Conference. Lincoln, NE
Baker, W. . (05/10/2012). The populist conservator: A sticky case study. American Institute for Conservation annual meeting. Albuquerque
Baker, W. . (05/05/2012). From greeting cards to posters: Preserving paper ephemera. National Archives-Central Plains Branch, Preservation Matters symposium.
Baker, W. & Dube, L. . (06/25/2011). How consistent are research library book conservation practices? American Library Association, Preservation and Reformatting Section, Book and Paper Interest Group. New Orleans, LA
Baker, W. & Dube, L. . (04/24/2008). A preliminary study of current book repair and conservation in research libraries: A survey of the landscape. American Institute for Conservation annual meeting. Denver, CO.
Awards & Honors —
Sabbatical leave
Spring 2022
Sustainability Leadership Award
University Office of Sustainability
Fellow status
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC)
Anschutz-Budig Outstanding Librarian Award
KU Libraries
University of Kansas Team of the Year Award
University of Kansas
Jayhawk of the Month
KU Libraries
Best of LRTS
Awards Committee of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, American Library Association
Sabbatical leave
University of Kansas
Professional Associate status
American Institute of Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC)