Phil Stinson

- Associate Professor, Classics
- Curator & Director, Wilcox Classical Museum
Contact Info
Biography —
Phil Stinson joined KU's Classics faculty in 2007.
Education —
Research —
Phil Stinson is a field archaeologist and museum curator and director. His research interests include the architecture and urbanism of ancient Greek and Roman cities, Roman wall-painting, digital humanities, the history of classical museums and collections in North America, and the endangered cultural heritage of Afghanistan. He has served as the senior architect with the Sardis expedition and as architect and archaeologist with the Aphrodisias excavations. His book on the Civil Basilica of Aphrodisias was published in the Aphrodisias series (Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2016). Other publications include articles and book chapters on the Lydian-Persian painted tomb chamber known as Lale Tepe at Sardis, the traditional water systems known as karez in southern Afghanistan, Roman incised architectural drawings or 'blueprints' at Aphrodisias, and perspective systems in Roman Second Style wall-paintings at Pompeii and the House of Augustus in Rome. His archaeological drawings and graphic illustrations have been widely published. He is in the process of completing fieldwork for a new book about the architecture and archaeology of the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion of Aphrodisias, including the Temple of Aphrodite Prometor.
Teaching —
Phil Stinson teaches courses in Greek and Roman archaeology and art history, and museum studies. His classes often meet in the Wilcox Classical Museum in Lippincott Hall. His research interests include the architecture and urbanism of Classical cities, ancient wall-painting, digital humanities, and the history of classical museums and collections in North America.
Selected Publications —
(forthcoming 2023) "Reconstructing the Price Edict and Currency Dossier of Diocletian on the Facade of the Civil Basilica at Aphrodisias," in Crawford, M., Aphrodisias XIII. The Price Edict and Currency Dossier of Diocletian. (Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden). In English with Turkish summary.
Stinson, P. “The Multifaceted Architectural Refinements in the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion of Aphrodisias.” Journal of Roman Archaeology, vol. 32, 2019, pp. 39–65.
Stinson, P., et al. “The Remote-Sensing Assessment of a Threatened Ancient Water Technology in Afghanistan.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 10, no. December 2016, Nov. 2016, pp. 441–53.
Stinson, Philip. “New Incised Drawings from the Basilica.” </i>Smith, R.R.R., et al. (Eds.) <i>Aphrodisias Papers 5: Excavation and Research at Aphrodisias, 2006-2012, edited by et al., vol. 103, 2016, pp. 225–42.
Stinson, Philip. Aphrodisias VII: Results of the Excavations at Aphrodisias in Caria Conducted by New York University. The Civil Basilica. Reichert Verlag, 2016.
Selected Presentations —
"The Wilcox Classical Museum as a Case Study for Reimagining a Classical Museum," Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Jan. 2023.
"A Matter of Perspective: The Reception of the Composite Capital in Asia Minor," Architectures of the Roman World. Models, Agency, Reception. Oxford University, November 2022.
"Drawing on the Mind: Spatial Representation for the Architect-Archaeologist," Swiss Institute of Rome, March 2021.
"Architecture, Urbanism, and Historical Context for the Julio-Claudian Imperial Cult Temple at Sardis," Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Jan. 2021.
"Revenge of the Plastic Parthenons: 3D-Printing and the Study of Roman Architecture." Sponsored by the Madison, WI, Society of the Archaeological Institute of America. Madison, WI. Oct. 2019.
"Appearances and Patronage in the Sebasteion of Aphrodisias." Penn Museum, Philadelphia, PA. Mar. 2018.
Awards & Honors —
Williams Visiting Professor of Roman Architecture
Department of Art History, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Distinguished Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement, College of Architecture and Planning, Ball State University
Service —
Phil Stinson is curator and director of the Wilcox Classical Museum.